Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Appointment from the waiting list
Follow-up action at hiring a person
If the appointee accepts the job offer, then he/she can appointed to the vacancy
Appointment Letter
some organizations are not practicing posting appointment letter. There are contacting employee and fixed a date to come for the job and sign for the attachment letter and contract of employment at the same time employee starting his/her works at the organization.
There are 3 types of appointment letter in the work industry. Only two of them are important in the field of HRM. All types of appointment letters are as follows.
An appointment letter of mostly using is written to inform a person that he or she has been selected for a particular position in an organization.
A letter of appointment or letter of administration assigns estate executors or successors. They are also known as Letters Testamentary, giving legal authority to engage in probate actions on behalf of the deceased and/or the family.
Apart form the above in business field, business mans and top management using a kind of appointment- that is Business Appointment Letter. A business appointment letter is written to schedule a meeting for business purposes. Sender should mention the purpose for the meeting or any other event in the letter. And ensure to describe your expectations from the meeting.
Appointment Letter
What is hiring?
This step is a sub section of a selection as mentioned the process. At hiring a candidate is called as new employee. When the candidate has accept the job offer for the particular post, there after he/she is considered as an employee of the organization. Hiring is a not single task. It has a process of tasks and after the entire process, new comer is considering as new employee.
Hiring a candidate as new employee to organization
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Selection of PLC and Private companies in HRM Process
Selection is mean; choose the perfect employee, best alternative for the right place it is needed at the right time from a capable group of applicants. Usually companies will have large amount of applications at the application call for the vacancy. So it is must to have a selection step for choose the best applicant. Selection is should be a transparent method. But unfortunately some of private companies are not practicing these transparent methods while many of companies – Public Liable Companies (PLC) and government organizations following those methods.
At selection part, organizations could use different methods. Assume if a particular company has received 300 applications for one 7 vacancies in the same grade and post. So how can company select the proffered 7 applicants? For this type of situations, companies are using sorting methods. Ethically the company should call for all the applicants for interviews or for exams. But interviews and exams are costly. So at the beginning companies are sorting Applications on concern their qualifications, both educational and experience. After that the HRD of companies will be able to select at least 150 out of 300. Then conducting an exam for the rest of people will not be too hard. Most of times, companies are selecting around 15-25% of the total applicants, according to the situation they are facing.
After sorting the candidates from their applications, usually companies will have an examination part for the further sorting. These exams may include general knowledge, aptitude test, mathematics and language. General knowledge is usually using for measure the general awareness of the person. Aptitude testing is generally for measure the decision making and understanding ability of the candidate. Mathematics is using for measure the rational decision making and logics of the candidate. After this part, selected candidates will send to the part of interview. The way of interview and interviewers are depend on the company. Some companies are using service of around 12 interviewers while some are using only one interviewer at the interview. But most of times for the PLC are using around 3-5 interviewers at once. Some companies are conducting 2 to 5 interviews while some are using only one interview. The selecting part is complies with the company policies, and strategies usually.
For the government institutions, there should have a proper, transparent method to select the best candidates for the exam. Many of countries which are having free education are using examination methods at the selecting candidates for the jobs.
Any how the scope of the selection is to choose the best person fitting for the job available at the organization. It is good to have a large pool of candidates at the selection, and then the company will able to select the best person fitting with the job, among candidates.
Process of Hiring, in detail - Preparation of appointment letter
The terms and conditions are basically depends on the organization and the constitution of particular country. That is because of the constitution of the country is the fundamental law of the country. Some times this preparation of appointment letter may be different form one country to another and one state to another. Following this step in both permanent and part time jobs is good for the organization and employee, because this is showing the legal relationship between employee and employer. But usually or unfortunately this is not practicing for many of part time jobs. Many organizations which are offering more part time job opportunities are not prepare appointment letter, but it may mentioned in the company policies. And preparation of common code of ethics and rules and regulation for the part time workers is could be practice, and also those organizations could practice a data base of their part time workers. MS Excel or Access could be use for that process, and it will not be difficult thing for organizations, especially for HRD of particular organization. It could refer for all other departments of the organizations.
It is important to have separate appointment letter formats for permanent, temporary and casual employees as terms and conditions differ from the status of the employment.
In preparing the letter appointment there are two approaches.
- Detailed one
- One paged letter
- Wage/salary
- Incentives
- Duration of period of the above rewards and dates of payment
- Hours of works
- Holidays and leaves
- Overtime work
- Probationary period/Retirement/Termination
- Transferability
Hiring Process

1) Preparation of appointment letter
2) Notification to appointees
3) At rejection appointment from the waiting list
4) Entering in to the contract of employment.
This basic process may change some times regarding to the organizations policies and practices. The hidden process of this hiring process is communication. Before preparation of appointment letter, appointee should aware about the organization and its process and little introduction about his/her job description. Some organizations are expecting hire a person at the end of interview, but the ethical way is organizations should give a chance to the candidate to decide and select if he/she has take the correct decision in the interview and the applying step. The perfect coordination between organization and the appointee is must in this step. Negotiations and clarifications may need at this step, because this is the beginning of a contract between organization and new employee.
Importance of Hiring a person for a job
Recruitment focuses of seeking and receiving job applicants. After advertised the vacancies, usually organizations are receiving applications for the particular posts. As mention at the selecting process organizations have to select the best applicant suits for their vacancy. Selection focuses on choosing the right job applicants to fill the job vacancies. Until hiring is done there are no new employees placed on the jobs to perform relevant duties and responsibilities. It is essential to offer jobs to the relevant selected job candidates and invite them to the organization to commence the working. Otherwise there can not be consider, that there is having legal intention on the recruiting/ hiring a person for the organization. Offering and inviting occurs in hiring function.
Recruitment Principles - Concept of Marriott’s Recruitment Principles for the modern world.
A new employee should hire friendly way and trains technically to have maximum performance of the employee. It is better to hire people with the spirit to serve and train them to work than hire people who know business and try to teach them to enjoy serving guests. A manager should hire a driver who loves to drive safely and who loves to keep the vehicle clean. This is teaching that this approach works both for delivering excellent service and fro retaining their employees.
The main concern is should be the total compensation. Money is needed to have, but it is not the top concern of a person. But intangible factors taken together, such as work life balance, leadership quality, opportunity for advancements, work environment, and training far outweigh money in their decisions to stay or leave. To organization, there should have less number of pay matters and more period of work with the organization. From flexible schedules to tailored benefit packages and development opportunities are built systems to address these non monetary factors.
Caring bottom line of the organization is to have for a developing organization. When employees come to work they should feel safe, secure and welcome at the work place. Committed associates are less likely to leave, and associate work commitment is one of the key drivers of guest satisfaction. Managers are accountable for associate satisfaction rating and for turn over rates. It is very good to have, associates meetings about 15 minutes in every day to discuss the matters faced on previous day or the current day and to discuss the goals that has to achieve. This kind approaches of managers is helps to earn loyalty for the organization from each and every employee.
Promote employees when ever it is possible to do. By promoting current employees the organization will gain the loyalty of employee. An employee is a customer for the organization, especially for the department of Human resource. Therefore employee should treat well at all the times, when it can do. Promoting employees will make the chance to them to learn something new, and there fore their life will not be a stereotyped. The smooth changes in life are making them refresh and it will helps to them to reduce their stress while serving to the organization with high efficiency. Also, an opportunity for have a promotion will make an opportunity for has training. All this advancements are caused to make the decision in employees – to stay with the organization.
Build the Employment Brand is helps to have good attraction from job seekers. This concept is considering the employee as a most valuable thing in the organization, and this is same as customer attraction practicing in marketing management. If we are considering HRD as a service provider (as it is) then the customers will be employees. Appreciating care and service for the internal customers will make a good mouth of word regarding organization. It will not limit to the internal environment. It will go to the external environment and then jobs seekers will waiting till the organization advertise its vacancy. Potential employees are looking for great work experience when they shop for jobs. Communicating the promise of a great work experience is what employment branding is all about. The basement of this concept is, organizations most valuable resource is Human Resource, Human Capital, drives economic value for the company.
Monday, September 28, 2009
What is need to get attraction of job seeker
Employee Recruitment
The recruitment industry has four main types of agencies: employment agencies, recruitment websites and job search engines, "headhunters" for executive and professional recruitment, and in-house recruitment. The stages in recruitment include sourcing candidates by advertising or other methods, and screening and selecting potential candidates using tests or interviews.
Attracting Human Resource for the Organization
The attraction is linked with the HR planning always. Because if there has identified a need of work force for the organization, at the meantime, there should conduct an attraction method to attract the scarce workforce for the organization.
Human Resource Planning
So there will be an only introduction part here.
Human Resource Planning is defined as “The development of a comprehensive staffing strategy for meeting the organizations’ future human resource needs” (Gluick)
Also it has defined as “Work force planning places the right people at the right place at right time, with the right skills and education to need the organizations’ strategic plan and objectives” (Ghame & Benet)
As defined in above statements, the HR department should coordinate the labor demand and the supply of the organization. For that coordination they should follow some evaluation methods and processes, which are operating in monthly basis (usually) to make sure that the organization has the optimum work force for getting work done.
Human Resource Management Process
Human Resource Management (HRM) is a vital function in any organization. It is responsible for managing the organization's most valuable asset – its people. The HRM process is a series of activities that are designed to help an organization achieve its goals by effectively managing its workforce.
The following are the key functions of HRM in practice:
Human resource planning: This function involves forecasting the organization's future workforce needs and determining the actions necessary to meet those needs. This includes identifying the number of employees needed, the skills they should possess, and the timing of their arrival.
Attraction – also called as recruitment: This function involves identifying and attracting a pool of qualified candidates for available job openings. The organization must ensure that it is reaching out to the right candidates and that the recruitment process is fair and equitable.
Selection: This function involves evaluating the pool of candidates and selecting the most qualified individuals for the available job openings. The organization must ensure that the selection process is fair, objective and job-related.
Directing: This function involves communicating with employees about their roles and responsibilities, providing guidance and direction, and taking corrective action if necessary. This includes setting performance expectations, providing feedback, and coaching employees to help them improve their performance.
Training and development: This function involves providing employees with the skills, knowledge, and abilities they need to perform their jobs effectively. This includes both on-the-job training and formal training programs.
Performance appraisal: This function involves evaluating employees' job performance and providing them with feedback on their strengths and areas for improvement. This helps employees understand how they are performing and what they need to do to improve.
Promote, demote or transfer regarding to performances: This function involves making decisions about employees' career development and advancement within the organization. This includes promoting employees who have demonstrated high levels of performance, demoting employees who have not performed up to expectations, and transferring employees to different roles within the organization.
In conclusion, HRM is a vital function that helps organizations meet their goals by effectively managing their workforce. It's a process that involves multiple activities such as human resource planning, attraction, selection, directing, training and development, performance appraisal, and promoting, demoting, or transferring based on performance. By understanding and implementing these key functions, organizations can create a strong, engaged and motivated workforce that can help them achieve their goals.
What is Personnel management and What is Human Resource Management
Personnel Management is
- Usually not practicing good relationships with other employees in the organization
- Operating as different function usually
- Basically operating by the instructions of Top Management, and usually can not see a care for employees
- Focus on the maintain of records and legislation.
Human Resource Management is
- Interpersonal and interpersonal relationships are practicing always
- Operating as consolidated function
- Considering both needs of Management and Employees/ workers
- Optimum solutions are giving for the problems coming up in the organization, going beyond of maintain records etc.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Human Resource Management is
Human Resource Management (HRM) is the process of managing the organization's most valuable asset - its people. It is the function within an organization that focuses on the recruitment, management, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), "Human Resource Management is the process of acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees, and of attending to their labor relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns."
HRM is a broad field that encompasses many different activities, including:
- Recruiting and hiring employees
- Training and developing employees
- Managing employee benefits
- Managing employee relations
- Managing compensation and payroll
- Managing employee performance and providing feedback
- Managing compliance with labor laws and regulations
HRM plays a critical role in an organization's success by ensuring that the organization has the right number of employees with the right skills and in the right roles, and that they are motivated and engaged in their work. According to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), "HRM is about people management. It is about creating and maintaining a positive working environment, in which people can perform to the best of their ability, and in which they are motivated and engaged in their work."
HRM is also responsible for creating and implementing policies and procedures that promote a positive work environment, such as those related to health and safety, discrimination, and harassment. Additionally, HRM is responsible for ensuring that the organization is in compliance with all relevant labor laws and regulations. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), "HRM is concerned with the management of people in organizations. It is responsible for the attraction, selection, training, assessment, and rewarding of employees, as well as organizational leadership and culture, and ensuring compliance with labor laws."
In conclusion, Human Resource Management is a critical function within an organization that is responsible for managing the organization's most valuable asset - its people. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including recruitment and hiring, training and development, employee relations, compensation and payroll, performance management, and compliance with labor laws and regulations. HRM plays a critical role in an organization's success by ensuring that the organization has the right number of employees with the right skills and in the right roles, and that they are motivated and engaged in their work.
- Society for Human Resource Management. (n.d.). What is Human Resource Management? Retrieved from
- Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). (n.d.). Human resource management. Retrieved from
- International Labour Organization (ILO). (n.d.). Human resource management. Retrieved from
"The Process of analyzing and managing an organizations human resources needs to ensure satisfaction of its strategic objectives”
-Management –Hellriegel/Slocum
“The policies and practices involved in carrying out the ‘people’ or human resources aspects of a management position, including recruiting, screening, training and appraising.”
-Human resource management –Gray Dessler
We can mention a business approach for the definition of human resource management as follows.
"a model of personnel management that focuses on the individual rather than taking a collective approach. Responsibility for human resource management is often devolved to line management. It is characterized by an emphasis on strategic integration, employee commitment, workforce flexibility, and quality of goods and services."
Also, it has defined as "All methods and functions concerning the mobilization and development of personnel as human resources, with the objective of efficiency and greater productivity in a company, government administration, or other organization." too.
What is Human Resource?
"The total knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents and aptitudes of an organization's work force as well as the values, attitudes and beliefs of the individual involved"
- Prof. Maginson
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Definition of Resource
Those are
1) Labor
2) Capital
3) Land/Natural resource
4) Entrepreneurship

Labor is defined as “The time human beings spend producing goods and services”
Capital could be defined as “Something produced that is long lasting and used to produce other goods”
Natural resource is the naturally occurring materials that come

The ability and willingness to combine the other resources- labor, capital, and natural resources – in to productive enterprise is called as “Entrepreneurship”
Physical Capital is the part of the capital stock consisting of physical goods, such as machinery, equipments, and factories.
Human Capital is the skills and training of the labor force.

So, according to this we can identify that organizations have two basic inputs.
1) Capital
2) Labor
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
History of Human Resource Management
Personnel Management was introduced by the end of 19th century. At that time, this was focused on the welfare of labors in the organizations. According to the tasks they have done, the officers at Personnel Department was called as "We

During the period of 1914-1939, many organizations has showed a quick growth and quick changes in needs and wants of the operations. Therefore the tasks done by women shifted to the men's, because of the complexity of tasks. These officers has called as "Labor managers" at that time.
After Second World War, during the period 1945 - 1979, this has grown up and changed to "Personnel Management", and Personnel Management was focus basically on employee administration and the legislation.
At late 70 s the

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